Monday, October 7, 2013

Look for Letters in a Book

Before doing this activity with a child, find a book that has the letter you will be looking for already in it a lot of times.  You want the kid to feel successful and the more it is in the more, the more the child can find it!  I would also recommend using a book that has big print.  That way it is easier for you and your child to point to the specific letter.

Once you have picked out the book, tell your child: " we are going to read this book together.  After we have read it, we are going to go back through the pages and look for the letter [say the letter you will be looking for]."  After the activity the child could want you to read the book again and that would be great because hearing something three times helps a child remember it and helps with comprehension.

Make sure to make it fun, like a game, so he will want to do it again another time.

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